
一集装箱船因大火严重损毁,事发印尼海域 !

发布时间:2019-07-03    223 次浏览


 据搜航网(最新消息,6月29日早上,一艘名为“PERSADA X”的集装箱船在印尼东爪哇泗水(Surabaya)港海域突发大火!

根据船舶动态显示,目前该船停靠在Tanjung Perak港口附近,从公布的照片来看,该船已经严重损毁,上层建筑和机舱部位被烧得面目全非。所幸,现场没有发生人身伤害。
Container ship heavily damaged by fire Surabaya
Container ship PERSADA X caught fire early in the morning Jun 29 at Tanjung Perak port Surabaya East Java. The ship judging from photos was heavily damaged superstructure and engine room burned out. No injures reported. Fire was extinguished in some 5 hours by shore fire teams there were no people on board.PERSADA X is understood to be in a lay-up since March 2017.

